Core Java Online Training
Core Java Online Training Course :
Introducing the JAVA technology
- Installation and Configurations
- Key features of the technology and advantages of using Java
- History of Java Features
- Java Programming format
- Identifiers
- Java Keywords
- Java Data Types
- Declarations and Access Control
- Java source file structure
- Class access specifications
- Member Access specifications
- Operators and Assignments
- Increment and Decrement Operators
- Shift Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- String concatenation Operator
- Relational Operator
- Equality Operator
- Bitwise Operator
- Short Circuit Operator
- Instanceof Operator
- Assignment Operator
- Conditional Operator
- Precedence of java Operators
- Flow Control –
core java online training
- Selection Statements
- Iterative Statements
- Transfer Statements
- Typecasting
- Implicit Type Casting
- Explicit Typecasting
- Arrays
- Command-line arguments
- Introduction
- Class
- Object
- Local, Instance and static variables
- Data Hiding
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Constructors
- Rules of constructors
- Default Constructor
- Overloaded Constructor
- This keyword
- IS-A Relationship
- HAS-A Relationship
- Working with super classes and subclasses
- Using types of polymorphism such as overloading, overriding, and dynamic binding
- Static initialization block
- Instance initialization block
- Interfaces
- Introduction
- Interface access specifiers
- Tag or Marker Interface
- Interface Access specifiers
- Interface method access specifiers
- Interface variable access specifiers
- String manipulation with StringBuilder and StringBuffer
- Essential String Methods
- String Tokenizer
- Introduction to all predefined packages
- User Defined Packages
- Access specifiers
- Java.lang package
- Java.lang.MATH
- Introduction
- Exception Hierarchy
- Exceptions categories
- Standard Java Exception classes
- Creating your own Exception classes
- Using Try-catch and finally clause
- The multi-catch feature
- Best Practices using Exceptions
- Assertions
- Introduction
- Thread creations
- Preventing thread from its execution
- Yield
- Sleep
- join
- Thread Life cycle
- Synchronization
- Interthread communication
- Wait
- Notify
- notifyAll
- Deadlock
- Deamon Threads
- I/O using Java
- Byte Oriented Streams
- Character Oriented Streams
- Files
- Serialization
- Deserialization
- Introduction
- Hierarchy of Wrapper Classes
- Wrapper Class Construction
- Conversions
- Wrapper object to primitive
- String object to Primitive
- String to Wrapper object
- Primitive to String conversion
- Character
- Boolean classes
- Introduction
- Limitations of Object Arrays
- Generic Classes and type parameters
- Java.util Package
- Key interfaces of Collections framework
- Set Interface – core java online training
- HashSet
- LinkedHashSet
- SortedSet
- TreeSet
- Comparable
- Comparator Interface
- Map Interface
- HashMap
- LinkedHashMap
- SortedMap
- TreeMap
- Hashtable
- IdentityHashMap
- WeakHashMap
- Introduction
- Member Inner classes
- Static Inner classes
- Local Inner classes
- Anonymous inner classes
- Anonymous Inner class that extends a class
- Anonymous Inner class that implements an interface
- Introduction
- Methods of making an object eligible for garbage collection
- Requesting JVM to run GC
- Finalize() method
String Processing
Exceptions and Assertions
I/O Streams
Wrapper Classes
Generics and Collections
Inner Classes
Garbage Collection
Java SE 7 New Features
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