Sun Solaris Online Training

Sun Solaris Online Training

SUN SOLARIS UNIX Infrastructure setup
 Installation of virtual box
 Installing virtual tools
 Cloning of OS in virtual boxInstallation of Linux Operating system
 Creating virtual setting
 Installing SUN Solaris in graphical mode
 Network setting configuration
 Package selection
 Post installation steps
 Login to screenFile System
 Understanding File system
 root directory /
 /root
 /home
 /boot
 /sbin
 /bin
 /usr
 /var
 /dev
 /etc
 /opt
 media

Basic Commands Sun Solaris Online Training
 Prompt
 root user
 non root user
 pwd
 ls
 creation of file
 cat command
 touch
 mkdir
 navigation of directories
 help
 copy
 moving and renaming
 Deleting
 File view commands
 Visual editor
 Insert mode
 Ex mode
 Command mode

Group Administration
 Group creation
 primary group
 secondary group
 group database files
 Group modification
 Deleting a Group

User Administration in SUN SOLARIS UNIX
 User creation
 home directory
 mail account
 User database files
 Password setting
 Modify user
 Delete a user account
 Group membership
File Permission
 File permission
 File attributes
 Owner
 group
 others
 Read
 write
 Execute
 Access mode
 absolute mode
 symbolic mode
 modifying permission
 ownership

 View device
 Format
 Creating partition
 Formatting
 Partprobe
 Mount the partition
 DF -H
 verify mount points
 Access mount point
 Permanent mount
 Verify

Volume management in Sun Solaris Online Training
 Mount cdrom
 access cdrom
 umount cdrom
 eject

Solaris volume manager
 what is SVM
 implementing SVM
 volume group
 Logical volume
 Resizing volume
 Removing logical volume
 Verify

Disk quotas
 Implementing Disk quota
 group and user creation
 Directory creation
 partition creation
 mount partition with disk quotas
 user disk quota
 group disk quota
 verify

 chkconfig
 service options
 service restart
 service stop
 service start
 service status

Package administration
 View RPMS
 Remove rpms
 install rpms
 verify rpms

Backups and recovery : SUN SOLARIS UNIX
 backup solution
 tar backup
 cpio backup
 scp option

Network Admin
 hostname configuration
 /etc/hosts
 netconfig
 ifconfig
 setup
 network-scripts

 Telnet
 rlogin
 rcp
 rsh
 ftp
 ssh
 scp

Network File server
 NFS configuration
 relevant service starts
 client side configuration
 mount to nfs server
 verify

File Transfer Protocol
 FTP Configuration
 vsftpd rpms
 /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf file
 permission
 service vsftpd
 Verify ftp
 put ,mput
 get , mget
 FTP via web browser
 User permission on FTP
 Verify

 samba server configuration
 samba rpm
 client side mount
 verify

Domain Name Server
 What is DNS
 DNS implementation
 service named
 Verify

 Apache web server
 configuration
 service httpd
 verify

Network information server : Sun Solaris Online Training
 NIS manage accounts centralized
 NIS rpms
 Nis configuration files
 Nis services
 Nis client configuration
 Verify

Sun Solaris Online Training