Groovy and Grails Online Training

Groovy and Grails Online Training :

  • Language Overview
  1. What is Groovy?
  2. What Groovy can do
  3. Installing
  4. Running Groovy scripts
  • Basic Syntax and Scalar Variables
  1. Syntax rules
  2. Numbers – Integers, Floats, and BigDecimal
  3. Strings – Double quoted, Single quoted, Here documents, Slash quoted, GStrings
  4. Operators
  • Collections
  1. Lists
  2. Coding a closure – The it parameter, Passing multiple parameters, Naming parameters (the -> operator)
  3. Maps
  4. Ranges
  • Flow Control
  1. If statements – The truth in Groovy
  2. Switch statements
  3. While loops
  4. For loops
  5. Exceptions
  1. Defining classes – File-to-class relationships
  2. Member variables – Automatic getter/setter generation, Default visibility, Safe dereferencing with ? operator
  3. Methods – Optional parameters and default parameters
  4. Operator overloading
  5. Automatic constructor generation – Initializing property values in the constructor
  6. The Closure Groovy class
  7. Coding a method that expects a closure – Calling into the closure, Passing parameters
  • Advanced Classes and Closures
  1. Closures – Using methods as closures, Polymorphic closures
  2. Operator overloading
  3. Metaprogramming – Discovering a class, Discovering fields, Discovering methods, Method resolution
  4. Pointers – Method, Field
  5. Calling methods that do not exist – ExpandoMetaClass, Categories
  • Regular Expressions
  1. Regular Expression syntax
  2. The =~ operator
  3. The ==~ operator
  4. Common methods that use Regular Expressions
  • Builders and Slurpers
  1. What are Builders and Slurpers?
  2. NodeBuilder
  3. MarkupBuilder
  4. AntBuilder
  5. Using the ConfigSlurper
  • Grails Installation and Overview: Groovy and Grails Online Training
  1. Installing Grails – GRAILS_HOME variable,Updating PATH
  2. Technologies included with Grails – Spring, Hibernate, Site Mesh, AJAX libraries, Jetty/Tomcat
  3. Main components of a Grails application – Domain, Controller,View, Configurations
  • Creating a simple Grails application
  1. The create-app command
  2. Configuring the application
  3. Create a Domain
  4. Getting started with the Grails scaffolding
  5. Generate views and a controller with create-all
  6. Create a basic Controller
  7. Running the application
  8. Unit Tests
  • The Domain
  1. Modeling relationships – belongsTo, mapping, and hasMany – One-to-one, One-to-many, Many-to-Many
  2. Validators – constraints
  3. GORM – Using the dynamic finder methods, Criteria objects, HQL
  • Domain Queries
  1. Using the dynamic finder methods
  2. Criteria objects
  3. HQL
  • Controllers
  1. Navigation
  2. Returning data to the view
  3. Calling a controller method from the view
  4. Scopes – Request, Flash, Session, servletContext
  5. Working with redirects
  6. Creating and using services
  7. Binding properties to domain objects
  8. Command objects
  • GSP basics
  1. How GSPs work
  2. Common GSP tag libraries
  3. Custom error messages
  4. Rendering and processing forms
  5. Writing custom tag libraries
  6. Working with layouts
  • Filters of Groovy and Grails Online Training
  1. Creating simple filters
  2. Assigning a filter to actions on a controller
  3. Assigning a filter to a uri
  4. Defining when a filter executes – Before, After, afterView
  • Plug-ins and simple Web 2.0 application
  1. What is a plug-in
  2. Installing a plug-in – The Zk plug-in, What is provided by a plug-in
  3. Integrating the Zk framework – Composers, Facades, Zul pages

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